Friday 28 June 2013

Grease is the reason

Hi wow it's been a busy couple of weeks. Haven't written for a while but have had so much to do. We're both doing a production of Grease and there are so many rehearsal's going on. We are performing it next week though (so excited!) I also have a music exam coming up so putting the practice in. Everything adds up in the end. Luckily, I found some time to write this.
Might be going shopping on Sunday and have lots of ideas on what to buy. If you've seen the make up page, you'll know that I'm loving the neon trend right now. Furthermore, I want to get some better blue eyeliner. I've heard Barry M does quite a good liquid liner. I also want to get some shirts and some more shorts for Summer.
Hope you enjoy the blog. More next week.
Bye for now.
Miss Lauren. X.

Sunday 16 June 2013

Happy Father's Day

Well my fellow reader's. You are probably wondering, "Why is this girl writing her blog on the very same day as Father's day." Actually you probably aren't but it's a good starter. The reason is that I am ill and curled up in my bedroom listening to Ed Sheeran. It's just a bad cold but nothing is to stop me from writing this blog.
I also couldn't write on Friday either because me and my mum were having a night out at the theatre. We went to see "High Society" and believe me it was amazing!!! It's about a women called Tracy Lord who is about to marry her fiancĂ©. Then her ex-husband turns up and a reporter who she falls for. Who will she choose? It's very jazzy 1920's so we both couldn't help but do a mini charleston when the big numbers came on. I love the theatre, I would probably go every week if I could. We bought the film yesterday which star's Grace Kelly and Frank Sinatra. I hope it's just as good as the play. I love old movies too.
Hope you enjoy the blog this week. Try to write again on Friday.
Bye for now.
Miss Lauren. X.

Monday 10 June 2013

So long since...

Hey guys!
Really sorry. Haven't written a page for over 2 weeks. This weekend has been so busy. On Friday I was busy doing my beauty page and my first fashion blog (hope u liked it.) It's quite different to the usual. Slept over at a friends on Saturday and went out for a meal so was very tired the next day. Good old Frankie and Benny's :-)
We also went to see After Earth as well starring Will and Jaden Smith. Miss Rose loved it. It's very action packed with lots of strange aliens. There were certainly some scared faces (wink wink Miss Rose.) I'm more of a Great Gatsby fan (if you haven't noticed) but the film was still good to see. Stuffed myself with popcorn though.
This week, the fashion page has tips on how to get your original style and beauty has some cool nail idea's to offer. Enjoy my fellow reader's
Bye for now.
Miss Lauren. X.