Friday 26 April 2013

Great news!

Well hello again.
We hoped you liked our blog and by the looks of things you did. 157 page views in one week!!!! We were really shocked let me tell you. We hope it carries on like this. It does mean a lot.

So what has happened in the last week. There was the marathon! Shout out to everyone that ran that day. It is a great thing to do and we would like to accomplish one day. It raises loads of money for hundreds of charities.

This week, Miss Lauren talks about her beauty must have kit while Miss Rose gives the latest fashion fix. There are two new blogs for you to feast your eyes upon that we would love you to check out.

See you next Friday.
Miss Lauren and Miss Rose.

Thursday 18 April 2013

Hi there!!!!!

Hey we are Miss Lauren and Miss Rose and this is our new blog. Here, we will be posting fashion tips, makeup fixes and much more. We are new at this blogging thing so bare with us. We won't exactly be 5 star to start with:) We are best friends from Yorkshire who are interested in journalism, fashion and beauty.

Hi I am Miss Rose and I am hoping to become the next Stella McCartney and Vivienne Westwood rolled in to one. I will be giving you the weekly fashion update. Over to you Miss Lauren!!!!

Hey you know which one I am because the other one has just introduced me. I will be giving the latest beauty tips and ideas from myself and friends. My ambition is to enjoy life so I can find what I want to do. In the mean time, I will be writing this.

We hope you enjoy it and keep posted for more posts and updates.
Miss Lauren and Miss Rose...

P.S. When we post, we will do a feature called "of the week." This is where one of us will highlight the best thing of the week...